Re: [DOMCore] Making event initializing easier

On Fri, 04 Mar 2011 11:25:45 +0100, Anne van Kesteren <>  
> If we indeed introduce objects into our APIs and I start to think that  
> would make sense I think the simplest approach that could possibly work  
> here is to overload initEvent(). In addition to its three argument  
> version it would get a version that accepts just one argument, an  
> object. From this object property values are queried to set values on  
> the event. E.g.
>    var e = document.createEvent("CustomEvent")
>    e.initEvent({"type":"custom", "details":{"hello":"world"}})
>    document.dispatchEvent(e) is the  
specification text for this. I suspect it will propagate to the editors'  
drafts soon.

Instead of overloading initEvent() I went with a new method init() based  
on a suggestion from Olli.

So for each new event interface we define (and hopefully some of the  
recently-added ones too) the init*Event() is not to be included and  
instead a dictionary that inherits from InitEvent is to be included, as  
well as how that dictionary maps to the event, as illustrated in DOM Core.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Wednesday, 22 June 2011 15:43:09 UTC