A few typos

  In the latest draft I've found a few minor typos:

In Section 1.2,

"A user agents is not required to conform to the entirety of another 
specification in order to conform to this specification..."

s/user agents/user agent/

In C.1.2,

"Support the features "BasicEvents", "TextEvents", "KeyboardEvents", and 
"MutationNameEvents" have been introduced."

s/Support the features/Support for the features/

In C.1.3,

"The Event interface has one new attribute, Event.defaultPrevented, and 
one new methods, Event.stopImmediatePropagation()."

s/one new methods/one new method/

"The MouseEvent interface has one new methods 

s/one new methods/one new method/

Mike Taylor

Received on Tuesday, 31 August 2010 17:48:35 UTC