Re: Deprecation of DOMAttrModified (Was: DOMActivate vs. Activation Behavior)

On Feb 9, 2010, at 3:46 PM, Sean Hogan wrote:

> On 10/02/10 8:37 AM, James Craig wrote:
>> On Feb 9, 2010, at 1:03 PM, David Bolter wrote:
>>> That said, I'm not sure if this pattern is used a lot today.
>> As far as I'm aware, it's not used at all today, because there isn't a way to implement it.  
> Currently IE has onpropertychange and Firefox / Opera have DOMAttrModified.
> Aren't they sufficient?

Even if DOMAttrModified wasn't threatened with deprecation and was implemented consistently across all major browsers, it would still require additional implementation on the part of a screen reader, but no screen reader dev team is going to waste time implementing a feature at relies on a deprecated event model.

Received on Wednesday, 10 February 2010 01:21:01 UTC