Re: Deprecation of DOMAttrModified (Was: DOMActivate vs. Activation Behavior)

On 09/02/10 4:43 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
> It does however strike me as scary that AT is modifying web pages and
> expecting web pages to react to these modifications.

It's "worse" than that.  The a11y api that the user agent uses to 
communicate with the AT allows for getting and setting states.  Thus, 
even if the AT wasn't directly changing the dom, it could do so 
indirectly through the a11y api.  In call chain pseudo code:

- AT uses a11y api to set the sort order on some object:  
-- user agent sets the aria-sort to 'ascending' on the relevant dom element.

Without DOMAttrModified, the web app is completely unaware that the 
sort-order for that element has changed.


'Clown control to Mao Tse Tung.'
  - D. Bowie (misheard lyric) -

Received on Tuesday, 9 February 2010 22:20:34 UTC