Re: convertKeyIdentifier

On Tue, 22 Sep 2009 17:55:07 +0200, Doug Schepers <> wrote:
>>> You might have meant the character value. We have already decided that
>>> the character value (if it exists) will be the attribute value.
>> So we will not have strings in the form of "U+xxxx" anymore?
> Please read the spec.

I did. I don't understand why "U+xxxx" is still there so I was wondering  
if that was temporary.

>> That functionality seems to apply to charcter handling everywhere and is
>> not at all specific to event handling so I think it would be
>> inappropriate for the events specification.
> You may misunderstand what the DocumentEvent interface is for.

It would be nice if you simply assumed that I did and went on from there.

> It's intended to extend the Document interface with methods and  
> attributes that are applicable to features defined in the events  
> specification, even if they don't directly deal with events.

This is new then since you took over editing. Before that it only dealt  
with events.

> It deals directly with key identifiers and the key identifiers set (for  
> example, there are also named values, not just various representations  
> of the Unicode code points), so it's not just general character  
> handling.  I don't want to cripple authors because of misgivings about  
> architectural purity...

I don't understand why we cannot have a single list and rather need to  
have various identifiers for everything.

> this is a directly related to DOM3 Events key identifiers, and it needs  
> to be implemented in that context.  Mozilla and Microsoft have already  
> agreed that we need this, BTW.

Well, I disagree. I do not see the point in having this method as I do not  
see the need for having multiple representations for everything in the  
first place in the context of DOM Level 3 Events.

Furthermore I think putting createEvent on Document was a mistake in to  
begin with. Especially with the design we have now where DOM events are  
often used outside the context of documents. (Think of e.g. Web Workers.)

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Tuesday, 22 September 2009 16:27:42 UTC