Conformance Criteria (was: remedy for click event)

Hi, Folks-

In response to recent threads about deprecation and conformance, I 
adjusted the definition of 'deprecated' not to exclude UAs from 
supporting deprecated features, added a definition for 'obsolete', 
cleaned up and expanded the details of conformance criteria (with 
specific conformance classes) [1], and added warnings and links to the 
definition of 'deprecated' to each deprecated event (not just their 
interfaces, as before).

I also added an explicit warning about keyCode/charCode being obsolete 
in the section on Keyboard Events.

Please let me know if this satisfies the needs for clearer conformance. 
  If you still have specific concerns, I welcome concrete suggestions on 
better wording for consideration.


-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Received on Monday, 21 September 2009 08:16:44 UTC