Agenda: DOM3 Events Telcon

Hi, DOM3 Events Folks-

Hmmm... I guess it's Wednesday... maybe I should have sent out an agenda 
more than half an hour before the telcon?...

This is just a confirmation that we will be holding the next DOM3 Events 
telcon today, Wednesday, 09-16-2009, at 21:00 UTC. [1]  Please adjust 
for your local time.

We meet on both phone and IRC.

   Number: Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, + or 
           conference code: To be determined at the time (meet on IRC 
first to confirm)
   IRC channel: #webapps on (that's port 6665, not the 
   Duration: one hour (or less)

Here is the proposed agenda:
* focus
* listen/unlisten
* key identifiers
* namespaced events
* default actions
* on-* attributes as event listeners?
* mouse x/y coordinates
* planning for LC... what's left to be done?


-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Received on Wednesday, 16 September 2009 20:25:27 UTC