Please Review mouseover, mouseout, mouseenter, and mouseleave

Hi, DOM3 Events fans-

I finally got around to synthesizing all the comments on mouseenter and 
mouseleave, and updated the DOM3 Events spec with what I hope is better 
wording [1].  I based my wording largely on Jacob's suggestion [2].

Please review the new wording for these events and tell me if there is 
anything wrong, missing, or otherwise in need of change, or confirm that 
you think it's okay.

(Maciej, you said you weren't quite sure Jacob's wording sufficed [3]... 
could you comment on the current wording?)

Special thanks to Magnus Kristiansen, Jacob Rossi, Garrett Smith, Maciej 
Stachowiak, Martijn Wargers, and Sean Hogan for suggestions on this topic.


-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Received on Thursday, 10 September 2009 21:25:18 UTC