Minutes: DOM3 Events Telcon, 26 August 2009

Hi, Folks-

Sorry for the sparse minutes... only Olli and I were there for the first 
part of the telcon, so we canceled the telcon and took the opportunity 
to chat about where we stood with the spec and what we'd talked about 
adding before, which we didn't bother minuting out of laziness.  Travis 
showed up later, and we talked a little longer, and took a few notes. 
But for some reason, the minutes didn't show up on the server... I 
copied this out of the IRC window, and I hope this give you the gist of 
what we talked about.  We'll keep better minutes in the future, when we 
actually think we're going to have a telcon.  My bad.


Attendees: Doug Schepers, Olli Pettay, Travis Leithead


Topic: recapping plans
shepazu: update composition events to cover select text (may)
shepazu: add scrollmode to wheel events?
shepazu: add section in appendix A about *-Mode keys and IMEs
shepazu: add discussion about key events and default actions (f1, arrow, 
etc) and how canceling is UA specific, and not all key events may be 
captured by DOM (swallowed by broswer/OS)
smaug: ^^^^that needs testing
shepazu: add deltaMode (line | pixel | page) to wheel event

Topic: vendor-specific transitions
Travis: I'd like to talk about how implementers can introduce 
vender-specific events appropriately.
Travis: IE has many events that we'd like to have co-exist with the DOM 
Events spec in an "agreeable" manner.
Travis: CSS uses -moz- / -ms- / -o- / -webkit-
smaug: In gecko we have used Moz-prefix for few events
shepazu: use namespaces... I'll add a section to the spec on extending 
d3e, for review and discussion

Topic: new WD?
Travis: yes
smaug: yes
Resolution: we will ask the WG to publish a new draft

Received on Thursday, 27 August 2009 02:50:29 UTC