FW: DOM L3 Events Work Items

From: Jacob Rossi
Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 2:03 PM
To: schepers@w3.org
Cc: Travis Leithead
Subject: DOM L3 Events Work Items

Hi Doug,
Here's some of the open issues / edit suggestion I have for the DOM L3 Events spec. I will pass on any more if I come across them.

1.       Event dispatch propagation path
a.       "Once determined, the propagation path cannot be changed. As an example, in the DOM event flow event listeners might change the position of the target node in the document while the event object is being dispatched; such changes do not affect the propagation path."
b.      What if an element is removed from the document altogether? Is there a different behavior if the event target is removed versus one of its ancestors?
2.       Reseting event object
a.       "As the final step of the event dispatch, for reasons of backwards compatibility, the implementation must reset the event object's internal-propagation and default-action-prevention states."
                                       i.            Needs clarification. I wasn't sure what this exactly meant.
3.       Activation requests and behavior
a.       Needs rewriting. Very ambiguous.
4.       Mutation Events
a.       Mention of deprecation and/or spec to come?
b.      Mutation Event listeners on nodes that are removed from the tree or moved elsewhere in the tree?
c.       DOMContentLoaded?


Received on Thursday, 9 July 2009 09:07:23 UTC