Re: IME events

Hi guys,
Just an update. I now have a few concrete IME related points to raise. Some
of these aren't necessarily to do with events - perhaps they belong in
another mailing list? Please let me know.

IME Events

* Firefox's compositionstart and compositionend events are great. In
particular, it is even possible to alter the dom and move the caret during
the compositionstart event, and have the IME input then take place in the
new location. I would like to see these events, or something to the same
effect, in the standard. As far as I am aware, they don't miss much that
browsers actually implement. However when things like recomposition and
document locking are fully implemented, they will also have deficiencies, so
we will need richer events.

* Consider Ojan's idea of onexeccommand - I think it has some merit (perhaps
in its original thread).


* Control the IME Candidate window (get/set position, ability to prevent it
from showing up at all, etc)

* Query the current IME state (mostly possible anyway using
compositionstart/end events)

* A way for js apps to define input context: E.g. Is this input field for a
person's name, for an address, etc? IMEs can use this information to provide
better suggestions. The TSF api allows properties to be specified on text,
perhaps some of this should be exposed in HTML? Thoughts welcome.

Received on Monday, 15 June 2009 04:53:07 UTC