Re: Speeding up mutation events

David Bolter wrote:
> Thanks for this explanation. Would it be worthwhile figuring out which, 
> of all the possible old values a consumer of DOMAttrModified might be 
> interested in, in the wild? Then take this list and flesh out the 
> performance vs value, and agree on a subset?

I'm not really quite sure how one would go about doing this, but I'm not 
going to say no to someone who volunteers to gather data!

> Having old data for CharacterDataChanged events would allow better live 
> region support for assistive technology... not sure how to avoid the 
> string copy there...

Assistive technology is presumably not being built on top of DOM events 
or their replacement, right?  And in particular, it can be designed on 
top of callbacks that assume the callee can be trusted to not screw 
things up (e.g. a "attribute about to change" notification that assumes 
the callee will not mess with the DOM).  Such assumptions simply cannot 
be made when calling into content script, of course.  Content script 
needs to always assumed to be hostile.


Received on Thursday, 4 June 2009 15:57:30 UTC