Re: Implementation question

2009/5/20 Upendra Jariya <>

> The Element and Document are interfaces under the org.w3c.dom package in
> the standard Java library. Every implementation of DOM implements the
> interfaces under the org.w3c.dom hierarchy to create the concrete classes
> for Node/Attribute/Document or Element.
> i.e. all the methods under Document interface (including the
> createElement()) are defined by the implementor.

Thank you Upendra for your reply. I eventually found the answer I was
looking for. In this
Gecko folks illustrate how the content of an html file is parsed into
DOM-related "Content Model", but this is then used by the frame constructor
to create a "Frame Tree". It is this frame tree that is used for layout and
graphical purpouses. My understanding is that the Content Model is
manipulated directly while the Frame Tree is automatically adjusted by the
application to match the changes.

This matches the second option in my original post: "(...) Or is the DOM
tree created out of the
input file and then a parallel, specialised, structure is instantiated and
appropriately kept in sync with it? (...)".

Thank you again.


Received on Thursday, 21 May 2009 08:31:09 UTC