Re: How to Read DOm for FF 3.0.8

Hi Tarun,

Does your code look like this?

     * To get an ISimpleDOMNode, ISimpleDOMDocument, ISimpleDOMText
     * or any IAccessible2 interface on should use IServiceProvider like 
     * ISimpleDOMDocument *pAccDoc = NULL;
     * IServiceProvider *pServProv = NULL;
     * pAcc->QueryInterface(IID_IServiceProvider, (void**)&pServProv);
     * if (pServProv) {
     *   const GUID unused;
     *   pServProv->QueryService(unused, IID_ISimpleDOMDocument, 
     *   pServProv->Release();
     * }

(From FF source)


On 4/9/09 12:39 AM, Tarun Sharma wrote:
> Hi,
> In my C++ MFC Based application I was reading the Dom for Firefox 3.0.2 by
> using ISimpleDOMDocument and ISimpleDOMNode interfaces.
> But these interfaces doesn't work for FF 3.0.8. Can anyone tell me what has
> changed and now how can I read the Dom.
> Tarun Sharma.

Received on Thursday, 9 April 2009 16:53:41 UTC