Re: Possible bug in the specification of createComment

Back when the DOM was being designed, we debated how much content checking
was appropriate. More robustness generally means worse performance, and in
many cases the DOM content is being generated programmatically in a way
that prevents the errors from arising in the first place so rechecking
would be pure wasted cycles.

I believe this particular example falls in the class of errors that we
decided to leave as quality-of-implementation issues. That is, it's up to
each implementation to decide whether to guard the DOM application from
making this mistake  at the time it is done, or to detect it at
serialization time, or to make it entirely the user's responsibility... and
it's the app author's responsiblity to select an implementation which picks
the trade-off which suits their needs, and/or to code appropriately to
prevent the problem from arising.

"... Three things see no end: A loop with exit code done wrong,
A semaphore untested, And the change that comes along. ..."
  -- "Threes" Rev 1.1 - Duane Elms / Leslie Fish

Received on Tuesday, 6 November 2007 16:47:17 UTC