Re: Is appendChild/insertBefore() supposed to raise exceptions for attributes?

On Fri, 22 Dec 2006, Frans Englich wrote:

> On Friday 22 December 2006 12:37, you wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Me and my co-developer were discussing how attributes are to be treated
>> within DOM.
>> For interface Attr, this paragraph can be found:
>> "Attr objects inherit the Node interface, but since they are not actually
>> child nodes of the element they describe, the DOM does not consider them
>> part of the document tree. Thus, the Node attributes parentNode,
>> previousSibling, and nextSibling have a null value for Attr objects. "
> Also, how should one set ownerElement of the Attr when calling
> setAttributeNode? Should setAttributeNode do it? The spec doesn't say that,
> as far as I can tell.

ownerElement works for attributes just like parentNode works for children.
An attribute is not a child, so it never has a non-null parentNode.  Instead
ownerElement is set to indicate the element it has been set on.

"ownerElement of type Element, readonly, introduced in DOM Level 2
The Element node this attribute is attached to or null if this attribute is not in use."

That is pretty clear to me.  The specification also does not say that an implementer
has to set parentNode when you call insertBefore, but it seems to make sense to
do so since it now has a parent.  I am not telling you to call insertBefore on
an attribute node but only making a comparison.  If you can figure out a way
to have the ownerElement correct all the time without setting it in this case,
go for it.  In some implementations I am aware of, for example, a single
representation of common nodes are shared between parents/owners, meaning that a
scaffolding tracking the parent ancestry is built as you navigate to a location
so a child never has a pointer to its parent and an attribute never has a
pointer to its owner element internally.  It is the implementation, so you
are free to do whatever you like as long as the results are right, i.e. the
ownerElement provides the correct information at a particular time if the
attribute in question is on the element in question.


Received on Friday, 22 December 2006 13:17:44 UTC