Re: DOM3 Core: removing unspecified attributes

I'm not sure, but I think that the full operation should always be  
performed, since either the user could have retrieved an instance of the  
removed attribute node before calling 'removeAttribute' or  
'removeAttributeNS', or such an instance would be returned by  
'removeAttributeNode'. So, if removing an Attr with the default values  
(specified=false) turned into a nop, any modify to the previous gained  
instance would lead to unwanted side-effects. However, such an event could  
be rare in practice, because that instance should be directly not usable,  
being stated that "The DOM user must explicitly clone Attr nodes to re-use  
them in other elements", but yet possible (i.e. by mistake the removed  
Attr value is modified after removing), so the DOM need to implement  
always a full removing/regeneration in order to avoid such problems.  
Anyway, I think tha some clarification on the implementation side could be  
useful. Particularly I refer to the 'ownerElement' property of the Attr  
node, which is 'readonly' for the user but not for the implementation (of  
the element object): infact, for a newly created Attr, or a cloned one, it  
is set to null and so the attribute may be set for an element, but after  
setting the Attr is owned by an element and its 'ownerElement' property is  
set, so any other attempt to set it for another element would rise an  
'INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR'; but a removed Attr node (i.e. the one returned by  
'removeAttributeNode') is not currently a used one, so the implementation  
(or an implementation) could cancel any relation between the attribute  
node and its previous owner (that is the 'ownerElement' is turned back to  
null), so the attribute whould become reusable in other elements without  
cloning, by just setting a proper value and attaching it to the wanted  
element. I think this should be clarified, to avoid different  
implementation and different behaviours for the same document manipulation  
through DOM (i.e. such a manipulation could appear correct with an  
implementation while leading to an error with another - but I'm not  
acquainted with such situations as real, I just think they're possible).  
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Received on Monday, 27 March 2006 15:09:01 UTC