- From: Alex.baldacchino <alex.baldacchino@email.it>
- Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 01:00:05 +0100
- To: www-dom@w3.org
DOM events level 2 specifications states for load event that "occurs when the DOM implementation finishes loading all content within a document, all frames within a FRAMESET, or an OBJECT element". DOM events level 3 note and working draft changes that statement in "The DOM implementation finishes loading all content within the BODY element, all frames within a FRAMESET, or any resource linked from the document", listing all valid target nodes for such an event. My question is: if a web page is structured with frames, being the outermost FRAMESET element (and corresponding DOM object) "replacing" the BODY element (and corresponding DOM object) in such a document, either should a single event be dispatched (or all load events dispatched together) to each target when the frameset is fully loaded, or should each event be dispatched to its related target, so to trigger handlers execution independently and with different delays (each one closed together with corresponding loading operation end)? In my logic, and relying on (my interpretation of) level 3 definition and element grouping, I think the second scenario should happen, so that when each frame source body is fully loaded its locally defined script(s) (I mean scripts defined in or linked from the frame source html page) should be executed, (contemporary or immediately after, for each frame) globally defined and related function(s) should be called, then, when the entire frameset is fully loaded (repeating for each frameset, untill reaching the outermost), frameset related listener(s) should be invoked; however, I've found a browser behaving in the first manner, so I've decided to ask you for a clarification before notifying that browser developers of this bug/spec misunderstood/uncorrect implementation. -- Email.it, the professional e-mail, gratis per te: http://www.email.it/f Sponsor: Sono aperte le iscrizioni per il corso Nazionale di Web Marketing Imparerai come promuoverti sui motori di ricerca - clicca qui Clicca qui: http://adv.email.it/cgi-bin/foclick.cgi?mid=3215&d=20060109
Received on Monday, 9 January 2006 08:45:30 UTC