Mapping DHTML to DOM Events

I've tried looking through the archives for the answer to my question.  If 
this has been discussed before please let me know the thread.

My understanding is that the DOM event model may not become popular 
because the DHTML model is used by Microsoft's Internet Explorer and IE 
doesn't support the DOM model limiting the motivation for its use.

My understanding is that the DOM is an API that is used to access a 
document.  Why can't an implementation of the API map DOM events to the 
DHTML event model.  In this way a program can access the document using 
the DOM and its event model.  I understand that the DHTML events are not 
as heterogenous as the DOM's with respect to document elements.

Am I way off?  Please let me know how?


Received on Friday, 30 December 2005 08:11:27 UTC