On Fri, 02 Dec 2005 15:12:29 +0100, Ray Whitmer <>  
>> Last time I checked they did not have support for ownerDocument. (And  
>> they violate this as well.)
> ownerDocument works on the new and older versions of Firefox and Mozilla  
> I have on my system.

Confused it with: <>.  
And some bug regarding importNode().

> Firefox may not be throwing the exception in cases of where the  
> documents may be compatible (I have not checked), but this doesn't mean  
> that they shouldn't, when claiming to be standards-compliant.

That was not the point. There was a point about a percentage of user  
agents doing it wrong and you said Firefox did it correct (or implied  

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Friday, 2 December 2005 14:24:00 UTC