Re: [dom3core] getAttribute

On Dec 1, 2005, at 6:34 AM, Ray Whitmer wrote:

> Can you tell me how many implementers of the standard would be made  
> retroactively incompatible by this sort of change to an intentional  
> part of DOM Level 1? I am not talking the major vendors current  
> implementations, but other and prior implementatiions? Please  
> enumerate those which will not be broken and let's see how many you  
> leave out. It is perhaps not as relevant to me as you would like it  
> to be that you personally do not care about these other  
> implementations which followed the standard. I have know list but  
> know of enough.

Making either empty string or null an acceptable return value in this  
case will break 0 implementations. Can you name any that would be  
broken by making both behaviors conforming? I can't imagine how this  
is possible.


Received on Friday, 2 December 2005 07:17:00 UTC