Re: DOM interfaces for XSLT

>It's not a language thing but a browser thing.

The DOM is a document model API, not a browser API. Creating a new document
by transformation of an existing document strikes me as being sufficiently
high level that it should be built on top of the DOM rather than built into
the DOM. (Unlike XPath, which can be argued to be a tool for exploring an
existing document.)

On the other hand... XQuery is arguably _almost_ an extension of XPath,
even though it's semantically almost identical to XSLT 2.0.

I'm still not convinced that the DOM WG, per se, should be the group
tackling this (or has the resources to do so), but I'm not sure who should
be dealing with it.

Joe Kesselman, IBM Next-Generation Web Technologies: XML, XSL and more.
"The world changed profoundly and unpredictably the day Tim Berners Lee
got bitten by a radioactive spider." -- Rafe Culpin, in r.m.filk

Received on Monday, 6 June 2005 14:46:36 UTC