Re: A question about DOM implementation in .Net

Alejandro Lapeyre <> wrote:

> 1). In .Net is common and suggested to use ProperCase to define methods. 
> Is acceptable for a DOM implementation to use, for example, 
> TagName instead of tagName ?

That's up to the bindings between DOM and the target language. I'm not 
aware of any efforts to produce a standard binding for .NET, so that's 
probably your call for the moment. In any case, do *all* .NET languages 
mandate TitleCase, even those derived from other languages that do not?

Whatever you do, document your bindings and use them consistently.

> 2) In .Net an interface can not define Constants, so, would it be acceptable
> to use an Enum (enumeration) instead?. 

Again it's probably a bindings issue, but DOM sees the constant 
definition groups as being pretty strongly integer-based, and I imagine 
some authors would be unhappy if, for example, testing nodeType==1 were 
to fail.

Andrew Clover

Received on Sunday, 29 May 2005 15:22:58 UTC