DOM3 Events Specification: keyboard navigation

Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Events Specification*

Is there a particular reason this document does not comment on keyboard 
navigation and the use of the "tab, space, return, backspace, arrow" 
keys in particular?

The disabled community has had some years experience developing 
applications that have somewhat standardised the use of the "tab, 
space, return, backspace, arrow" keys for navigation.

I'm concerned partly because I do not understand the whole problem, but 
also because SVG is failing to recommend any means of keyboard 
navigation. It is being asserted that no keyboard event implementation 
is better than a non-standard implementation. The result is that 
significant quantity of product is being authored, without any prospect 
of it being keyboard navigable by anyone.


Jonathan Chetwynd     "It's easy to use"


Received on Saturday, 4 December 2004 09:27:27 UTC