Why is readOnly invalid for checkboxes and radio buttons?

DOM2 states that readOnly is only relevant for "text" and "password" 
input fields

    readOnly of type boolean
    This control is read-only. Relevant only when type has the value "text"
    or "password". See the readonly attribute definition in HTML 4.01.

Why is it irrelevant to "checkbox" and "radio" controls, where it is 
also useful? (Not to mention "file".)

The readonly attribute definition in HTML 4.01 says only, "The following 
elements support the readonly attribute: INPUT and TEXTAREA." No 
qualifications about control types.

Was this an oversight? Is it intended that user agents ignore readonly 
for checkboxes and radio buttons?

(I'm asking again since no one responded when I asked eight months ago.)

Received on Thursday, 19 February 2004 10:21:55 UTC