Re: LS: Last minute comments on CR

Philippe Le Hegaret <> wrote:

> It was clarified as follows:
> [[
> method on the filter. If the parameter "entities" is set to true, the
> entity reference nodes are passed to the filter, but not its children.
> If it is set to false, the children of the entity reference are passed
> to the filter, but not the entity reference nodes since they are
> replaced by their expansions.

I'm not sure this entirely answers Sander's query as I understood it.
Certainly I'd like to know:

  What happens when "entities" is set to true and the LS...Filter asks for
  the entity reference node to be SKIPped?

  1. the child nodes are processed with the filter receiving callbacks for
     them, as if "entities" had been set to false just for this one entity
  2. the entity reference's child nodes are processed en bloc, without
     calling the filter again at all;
  3. it is taken as the equivalent of REJECTing the entity reference, so
     nothing is processed;
  4. explicitly disallowed;
  5. implementation specific.

(FWIW, pxdom currently plumps for option 1.)

Andrew Clover

Received on Tuesday, 6 January 2004 17:58:53 UTC