L3 Core TypeInfo last call issues (arnold-21, arnold-22, arnold-23)


arnold-21: anonymous types

Satisified with omitting isAnonymous if that distinction is not 
preserved in the PVSI.

isSimple (and additionally isId and isName) would be useful, but could 
be accomplished with the provided functionality.

arnold-22: XML Schema and DTD types

 From the last call issues list:

    An application can always know the schema apply to the document by
    checking the schema-type parameter of the configuration object, so
    there is a way to distinguish them.

It is not clear (and possibly undesirable) that an implementation is 
required to set the schema-type parameter based on the schema type 
encounted when validating a document.

Could the typeNamespace value for DTD types be changed to 
"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml"?  That would be consistent with the 
schema-type DOMConfiguration parameter and would clearly distinguish 
built-in DTD datatypes from user defined types in the null namespace.

arnold-23: nested and anonymous types

Satisified.  This comment was due to an infamiliarity with "anonymous 
type name".

Received on Wednesday, 29 October 2003 12:16:07 UTC