Re: i18n reviews of DOM 3 Core and Load&Save

Francois Yergeau wrote:
>>>LS8) It should be specified that DOMSerializers MUST be 
>>able to serialize in
>>>UTF-8 and both byte-orders of UTF-16, to close the loop 
>>with XML parsers
>>>which are obligated to read these.
>>The DOM WG decided against requiring support for all of those 
>>but it did decide to require support for one or more of those 
> While this is sufficient for strict interoperability, it is not for
> compatibility of code.  If there is not at least one required encoding, it
> is not possible to write a DOM program that will work over any DOM
> implementation.  We insist that at least UTF-8 be required.  Furthermore,
> since XML 1.0 did it back in 1998, it cannot be so onerous to require all 3.
> Please reconsider.

Agreed, the spec now requires that those 3 encodings must be supported 
when dealing with XML data.


Received on Thursday, 9 October 2003 01:56:10 UTC