DOM Test Suite task force


   DOM Test Suite task force
   DOM Test Suite Process
     Change Control
   Call for Volunteers/Nominations

DOM Test Suite task force

I have been invited to chair the DOM Test Suite task force
with the objective of managing the work required to complete
and release the DOM Test Suites for DOM Levels 1, 2 and 3.

I would like to outline some of the basic changes in how
the project will be managed and ask for nominations and
volunteers to help complete the DOM TS.

Please feel free to make comments or suggestions regarding
these changes.

Changes to the DOM Test Suite Process

The existing procedures for the DOM TS are outlined in

In order to for the DOM TS to be completed, we need to know
what work needs to be completed, who is responsible for
completing the work and have some degree of control over
what changes are made to the project.

In order to achieve this, we will manage all work through

<> will continue to be used for general


The public W3 instance of Bugzilla <>
will be used to identify and track each task required for the
completion of the DOM TS.

A new Bugzilla product "DOM TS" and the following Components
have been created:

Component     Description
---------     -----------
Process       This component would be used to manage changes
               in the process used to manage DOM TS project.

Documentation This component would be used to manage the
               <> site as well as
               any other documentation related to the DOM Test

               Any changes to the public web site will be made
               by Philippe Le Hegaret after approval of the
               full document by the DOM WG.

Java Binding  This component would manage the maintenance of
               the XSLT and build processes used to create the
               binding of the tests to the Java Test harness.

ECMAScript    This component would manage the maintenance of
Binding       the XSLT and build processes used to create the
               binding of the tests to the ECMAScript Test harness.

DOM Level 1   This component would be for all issues related
               to the DOM Level 1 test suite.

DOM Level 2   This component would be for all issues related
               to the DOM Level 2 test suite.

DOM Level 3   This component would be for all issues related
               to the DOM Level 3 test suite.

The Component Owner is responsible for either performing the
work required to resolve the bug or for assigning the bug to
an appropriate member of the DOM TS community and scheduling
it to be resolved.

Ownership of each DOM TS Component has been temporarily assigned
to myself until suitable owners can be identified.

Change Control

If we are to complete the DOM TS, each change to the TS must
be managed. Therefore, before any change is committed to the

   * The reason for the change must be documented as a bug in

   * For changes to existing files, the change must be attached
     to the bug as a patch. For new files, the files must be
     attached to the bug.

   * Each change must be reviewed by a person who has been
     given reviewer status. If the reviewer suggests modifications
     or otherwise does not approve the change to the DOM TS,
     then the change must not be checked into CVS.

   * Changes committed to CVS must include a comment containing
     the bug number, the reviewer and a short description of
     the change.

A hierarchy of component owner, reviewer, DOM TS chair, DOM WG
will be responsible for making decisions regarding changes to
the DOM TS.

If at any point, a decision is questioned, the decision will
be bubbled up to the next highest level of authority.

The final authority for any decision regarding the DOM TS is
the DOM WG.

Repeated violations of the CVS check in rules would be grounds
for revocation of CVS commit privileges.

Call for Volunteers/Nominations

We need people to help complete the DOM TS as:

   Component Owners

     Component Owners are responsible for managing the work
     involved in each component.

   Component QA

     Component QA are responsible for verifying that RESOLVED
     bugs/issues in Bugzilla are in fact resolved
     as described in the bug.


     Reviewers are responsible for ensuring that any changes made
     to the DOM TS are appropriate.

   General Contributors

     General Contributors help by filing new bugs, helping to
     resolve existing bugs or by contributing documentation.

If you would like to be involved in one of these areas or know of
someone you think would be a good candidate, please contact me.

Bob Clary

Received on Monday, 14 April 2003 12:09:07 UTC