Re: Exposing the critical ACTUAL style values?

First, note that I have started a new thread based on what was discussed in
this thread, now that I have accepted the existing Segment model of DOM
Views and Formatting proposal is the correct starting point for future work:

Proposal for Improved/Simplified ViewsAndFormatting Segment *abstract* model

Regarding the discussion about XBL (and XUL) below, I have started a new
thread in www-style with my conclusions after further analysis:

XBL is (mostly) W3C redundant, and CSS is wrong W3C layer for semantic
behavior *markup*

If no one else replies to this thread, then this is probably my closing
message on this thread.

-Shelby Moore

>> XBL in Mozilla, for 
>>example, allows the author to design new types of markup for doing 
>>different tasks without compromising the abstract level of the document, 
>Yes but my point is that with the proper W3C standard api for View, then
> we could build these abstraction layers on top of that and use W3C
> standard markup. I will go into more detail on this, after I have studied
> XUL and XBL in detail. 
>>even though it introduces new abstractions that are not part of the 
>>standard set.
> Yes we agree that is the problem with XUL and XBL. And until I review
> the details, I can not yet 100% agree with you that making XUL and XBL
> standards will completely solve the problem. If we make them standards,
> and they are built on top of other layers at W3C, then I can agree. But I
> to study the specifics of their design before I can make an absolute
> on this issue. Will do... 
>> That is 
>>not a small fraction. That still does not minimize the need for a 
>>solution to the advanced requirements, but the best solution will always 
>>be advancing the abstraction, rather than compromising it.
> The presentation layer model will advance abstractions. For example
> probably in XBL, by allowing them to be build standard widgets on top of a
> standard instead of hard-coded in the UA. I will need to study XBL in detail
> to confirm or clarify this assertion. 

Received on Sunday, 22 December 2002 18:27:22 UTC