HTMLInputElement.size (Re: DOM-2 HTML Module Property Types - Treatment of CDATA vs NUMBER DTD Types)

On Fri, 2002-09-20 at 20:49, Glenn A. Adams wrote:
> I just noticed that the DOM-2 HTML Spec of June 5, in Section 1.6.1, indicates that the DOM type which corresponds to CDATA is DOMString and the type which corresponds to NUMBER is long int.
> This results in an inconsistency based on certain proposed changes from DOM-1 to DOM-2. In particular, the following properties have been assigned in integral type, yet are specified in the HTML/XHTML DTDs as CDATA:
> HTMLInputElement	- size

Regarding HTMLInputElement.size, this issue was brought to our attention
during the Last Call period and a resolution was made at that time
without objection:


Received on Tuesday, 24 September 2002 13:35:46 UTC