Re: DOM 3 XPath: default namespace nodes?

Vivek Pandey wrote:
> > * For xmlns="default/", should the nodeName and prefix be empty string, or
> > null?  I'm assuming empty, because I can find no reference in any DOM Core
> > spec that permits nodeName to be null, and I'm told that anything not
> > expressly permitted in the spec is forbidden.
> >
> as per the DOM L3 core spec the prefix for default namespace should be
> null. See

Thanks for the citation. I checked it, but I didn't find an answer to my
question. Can you quote me the text in Core that permits nodeName to be

I understand that the prefix attribute can be null. I also understand that
for XPathNamespace, the nodeName is supposed to be the same as the prefix. 
My question is, should I assume the logical implication, that if prefix is
null, then nodeName should also be null? I hesitate to do so, since I see no
explicit statement that null is permitted for nodeName.

Perry A. Caro
Adobe Systems Incorporated

Received on Friday, 13 September 2002 20:36:52 UTC