Attribute types in DOM Level 3

I have previously suggested that DOM Level 3 add some form of getType() 
method to the Attr interface to report the type of the attribute 
declared in a DTD. One important use-case for this information is any 
XPath based application such as XSLT and XPointer which need to behave 
differently depending on which attributes have type ID.

I was told that this information would be available through abstract 
schemas. Now that abstract schemas has gone to that great web site in 
the sky, I'd like to reraise this issue. I think a simple method in the 
Attr interface which returns the type as declared by the DTD is 
important. I think this is a separate issue from the type declared by 
any schema, since a document may have both a DTD and a schema. How to 
handle this for schemas is relatively hard, but handling it for DTDs is 
not. SAX has been doing this for several years 9albeit with a few bugs 
in both interface and implementations.) The exact signature and behavior 
can be discussed, but I would really like to have this information 
available as a standard part of DOM.

Elliotte Rusty Harold

Received on Saturday, 27 July 2002 16:22:00 UTC