Re: DOM for HTML

> Thanks for the response. This seems to be newly introduced in DOM Level 2,
> why were not all attributes for an element put in that HTML*Element in
> DOM Level 1?

Let's not confuse attributes and properties.... I suspect the "style"
_property_ was not present in DOM1 because DOM1 does not have any way to
manipulate style data (this is just a guess, though).  The "style"
_attribute_, on the other hand, can be manipulated with the DOM1
setAttribute() and getAttribute() methods.

"Windows is packaged with Solitaire (ooh)! Linux is 
distributed with Doom ... you can have your deck of
cards, I'll take a chainsaw!" 

                  --- paraphrase from comp.os.linux.advocacy

Received on Friday, 31 May 2002 04:14:49 UTC