Re: DOM Level 3 Events module, question and wording

See  Issue naming-1. The fact that it's still listed as an open issue
suggests that  no decision has yet been made, or at least had been made as
of February when that draft was released.

Personal reaction: I don't see anything inherently wrong with the concept
of using namespaces to help identify events... but I'm also not sure that
needs to be explicitly supported in the DOM right now. Making the
namespaceURI part of the event name string does achieve most of the same
goals, with possibly less storage overhead but possibly more computational
overhead. One thing that approach doesn't do is let you listen for all
events in a given namespace, but we don't have listen-for-all-events for
non-namespaced events and there's been no demand for it...

I suspect that what's needed here is a genuine use case or three, both to
justify adding the feature and to guide what it should look like.

Joe Kesselman  / IBM Research

Received on Friday, 26 April 2002 09:43:06 UTC