RE: DOM events - mousewheel?


> Fine, but that's out of scope of the DOM... except that the very fact that
> there isn't consensus about what mousewheels should do, or even on whether
> mousewheels are going to persist or are just a fad, suggests that
> standardizing a hardware-specific event to represent them would be
> premature at best, and probably inappropriate.

I disagree.

Users need to capture mouse wheel events and implementors are also starting
adding that in their DOM implementation. If the DOM WG does not provide the
concrete event type and the appropriate event definition, there is no chance
for interoperability here.

I really think the DOM WG should define a MouseWheelEvent as they had
defined the MouseEvent type (which *is* by the way a low-level event type).


Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2002 17:24:44 UTC