src attribute of IFRAME and FRAME

HTML and DOM stickers:

Please CC me on any replies.

1) Frames

In the HTML specs, it says that the src attribute should be the original
content of the frame, but it doesn't say whether you are allowed to
dynamically update it. If you aren't officially allowed to dynamically
update it, then it is an error with the standard, otherwise it is an
error with the documentation. You should be allowed to update frames in
DOM and if that isn't the intent of the DOM standard, then it needs to
be added. Is there any errata on this?

Bubbling of events from Frames - I don't see anything about how events
should be bubbled from frames. For security reasons they shouldn't
bubble from documents inside the frame, but should bubble from the frame
itself - such as a reload.

2) favicon.ico

Please say something about favicon - like the favicon.ico method is
against the standard. Mozilla is adding support for it and is also going
to try to move people over to the <link rel="icon"> method with
evangelism allowing any image format (including .ico). Favicon creates
unnecessary spam in server logs.

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Received on Sunday, 2 December 2001 23:38:36 UTC