Fw: Parameter names for getElementsByTagName in DOM L3

----- Original Message -----
From: "Curt Arnold" <carnold@houston.rr.com>
To: <www-dom-ts@w3.org>
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: Parameter names for getElementsByTagName in DOM L3

> > To be sure I understand the rational here. How about DOM Level 1 and
> > DOM Level 2 production of the test markup languages?
> A patch is automatically applied to the recommendations before generation
> the test markup language to change the parameter name in
> Element.getElementsByTagName from "name" to "tagname".  I had forgotten to
> patch the Level 2 spec which caused the issue to surface again as a code
> generation error on the recently checked in tests.

Received on Friday, 26 October 2001 12:27:05 UTC