Re: DOM Level 3 XPath Specification and entity references

> If the XPath returns text, it returns only first Text/CData node in any
> block of logically-contiguous text. (Which may involve multiple nodes, and
> may cross EntityReference boundaries.)

	I'm still a little unclear, say I declare:

<!ENTITY % bit "bit">
<!ENTITY middle "middle %bit;">

	And then I have the following XML fragment:

This is the &middle; part

	So if I did "/top/text()" what would be returned? Would it be:

	1) "This is the"
	2) "This is the" and "part"
	3) "This is the" and "middle bit" and "part"
	4) Something else?

	Thanks for the help.

Received on Wednesday, 10 October 2001 11:33:13 UTC