RE: Node.getAttributes and 2 typos

> >Why it is defined on Node and not Element is another question.
> Very deliberate. We wanted the DOM to be fully operable 
> In theory, if you have Node, NodeList, and NamedNodeMap you 
> can retrieve or
> modify anything in your main document tree.

Ahh, I did not now this. Of course to really be able to modify anything
you also need Document (to create new nodes). But it is good to know
this, thanks. Too bad for the convenience attribute Node.childNodes,
otherwise it could have been done with one interface less...

> (Is it worth adding this to the FAQ, is it documented in our design
> principles somewhere, or is it unnecessary trivia?)

I would add it somewhere, perhaps also saying why readonly attributes
publicId and systemId are excluded from this three-interface
completeness (plus DocumentType.internalSubset, plus
Entity.notationName). This is probably because they are 'extended
interfaces', but how about Attr.specified?

Kind regards,


Received on Tuesday, 17 July 2001 10:04:37 UTC