Re: xml forms

Thanks for the info and the URL.


On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Joseph Kesselman wrote:

> >By forms, I mean - like the  html forms. When an end user wants to send
> >some data to the server he/she needs to fill in the "user info or
> >requiremnets". If I wish to use xml, instead of the html how would I
> >proceed. I think my question makes some sense.
> It makes sense, but not exactly as you've asked it.
> XML itself is really a meta-language -- a "langauge for writing languages".
> By itself it's pure syntax, and has no meaning; meaning is assigned by the
> specific XML-based language you're working in. If you're familiar with
> SGML, you can think of XML as occupying the same niche.
>  There are a number of different XML-based languages which include the
> concept of forms. In addition to the language itself you'll need a tool on
> the client system which understands how to present the particular language
> you've chosen in a form that the user can interact with, gather the user's
> responses, and send that data to the server.
> Which langauge, and which tool, would be best depends on your exact needs.
> The minimal-effort  choice would be XHTML., which is essentially a dialect
> of HTML based on XML (rather than being based on SGML, as is the case for
> traditional HTML).  The downside is that XHTML is no more powerful, and
> just as architecturally ugly, as HTML... but the advantage is that
> well-written XHTML will actually work in most existing HTML browsers.
> If you need to do something more sophisticated than that, you'll have to do
> some research to find out what other forms langauges have been based on XML
> and which of them have client software that will run on your machines and
> talk to your servers. One interesting option would be to focus specifically
> on XForms; see for more information.
> In any case, this isn't really a DOM question. It'd be a more appropriate
> topic for the XML-DEV mailing list ; you can learn more about that
> discussion at
> ______________________________________
> Joe Kesselman  / IBM Research

Received on Thursday, 5 July 2001 19:29:16 UTC