Read Only Attributes


My name is Joe Williams and I am working with the Web3D Consortium 
on our open standard open source X3D project. We are expressing the 
geometry and behavior capabilities of VRML using XML.
This involves incorporating DOM interfaces, which we are learning.
Don Brutzman is our current official W3C representative. 

Please excuse me if this is simple question which we have overlooked 
in the docs but we need a way to define certain attributes as Read-Only. 
These may have a value defined by the author in the source, but cannot 
be changed after the scenegraph has been constructed.  In general, we 
build the DOM then transform it to create the 3D scenegraph used by the 
rendering engine - Java3D in this case. #FIXED does not seem to 
accomplish this for us because the value is actually not intended to be 
fixed by definition in the schema; it can be defined by the author, 
just not changed later.  

Can someone please point me to a reference? I will be happy to explain 
more about why we need this, if necessary.

Thank You and Best Regards, 

Received on Tuesday, 27 March 2001 18:37:06 UTC