Re: CMChildren

> I found the description of CMChildren in the DOM3 CMLS module a bit
> unclear.  CMChildren is said to be "an element in the context of a
> CMNode".  On the other hand, the operation
> ElementDeclaration.getCMChildren() which returns a CMChildren is said to
> "gets content model of element".  "An element in the context of a CMNode"
> and "content model of element" do not sound equivalent to me.
> I also have some problem understanding the following attributes of
> - listOperator (whose description is "Operator list") and
> - subModels (whose description is "Additional CMNodes in which the element
> can be defined").
> Any clarification will be appreciated.

Sorry Ernest, no answer from me. I would just like to say that I am also
confused by these interfaces. I would like to say to potential answer givers
that it would be useful to have an example object-representation of the CM
with e.g. a DTD declaration like
    <!ELEMENT example (((child1, child2*)*) | child3+)>
because what kind of hierarchy of list-operators, CMChildren and submodels
would you get here?

Thanks in advance for helping us out,


Received on Wednesday, 28 February 2001 02:59:19 UTC