Interface StyleSheet: should changes in the 'media' attribute be reflected in the ownerNode ?

Me again!

If one changes the media list of a StyleSheet interface that is associated
with a particular node in the DOM, e.g. a <link> element, should the
changes be reflected back in this node?

e.g. assuming the element has:

   <link rel="stylesheet" href="foo.css">

...and I do:


...should the element then become:

   <link rel="stylesheet" href="foo.css" media="braille">


How about if the stylesheet was linked using an @import, or an HTTP 'Link'
header? Should those be changed too?

Ian Hickson                                     )\     _. - ._.)       fL
Netscape, Standards Compliance QA              /. `- '  (  `--'
+1 650 937 6593                                `- , ) -  > ) \ _________________________  (.' \) (.' -' __________

Received on Friday, 19 January 2001 08:26:51 UTC