Node.attributes readonly?

The 'attributes' property of the 'Node' interface is defined as being
readonly.  Does this apply only to the property as such or does it
extent into the functionality of the NamedNodeMap too, e.g. does
calling myElement.attributes.setNamedItem (instead of using
myElement.setAttributeNode) raise a NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR

 Dieter Köhler, M. A. -
 Mittlere Kaulberg 22, D-96049 Bamberg, +49(0)951-5190726
 "": 1000+ Philosophie-Links
 "": Deutsche Philo-Links
 "": Open XML - XML-Komponenten für Delphi

Received on Sunday, 14 January 2001 09:44:23 UTC