Re: XML & CreateProcessingInstruction

>    Document doc =

Don't do that; it's not only nonportable but isn't really supported.
Instead, obtain the DOMImplmentation obect (which currently does require a
nonportable step):
and then use
     Document doc=domImpl.createDocument(...);
Note that createDocument forces you to create the root element.

Then, after you create the ProcessingInstruction node, remember to insert
or append it as a child of some other node; otherwise it won't be part of
your document tree. In this case, what you probably want to do is insert it
as a child of the Document node, before the Document Element:

     ProcessingInstruction myPI = doc.createProcessingInstruction
("xml-stylesheet"," type=\"text/xsl\"

Joe Kesselman  / IBM Research

Received on Thursday, 28 June 2001 11:23:40 UTC