Doubts about DOM...


 i'd like to know something. Supose this situation:
    - i'm working with a big xml program; 
    - In the other hand i've been doing a program using C++;
    - Now, i need some informations that are in the xml document, and i'd like 
    use DOM to take that;

      The problem is (considering that in my computer i've Internet Explorer 
    - How can i do the application? What shoud i use?
    - have i to install something in my computer? You said about some apache's 
    softwares, but i found many files. what should i take exectaly? 
      The great doubt is: In this case, what i've to have in my computer to use 

           Thank you very much!  


Received on Thursday, 21 June 2001 17:54:22 UTC