ECMAScript exceptions (was DOM 3 Core: Overlap....)

>   Perhaps Curt is using a non-conforming implementation

Sorry, guess it was addressed in the DOM 2 spec but to the best
of my knowledge I don't believe it is possible for a DOM accessed
through Microsoft's JScript to implement it using published

If Microsoft can implement it, then it should pass 
the secrets along so that other COM+DOM implementations 
(Adobe's SVG Viewer for example) can adhere to the DOM 2
ECMAScript binding.

If it can't be implemented on the Windows,
then some sort of crutch would be helpful.

Currently something is in the DOM 2 Core Binding, but it
appears to be irrelevant on Windows at the current time.

I'm out of my depth here though, I've been buried in the 
XML Schema spec for a long time and am really just finding
my way around the DOM specs.

Received on Wednesday, 16 May 2001 18:54:35 UTC