Re: clarification needed : Computed Style Value of 'font-family'

--- Bjoern Hoehrmann <> wrote:
> * Dylan Schiemann wrote on
> >Yes, but it you specify width:100% (or any other
> >relative value), getComputedStyle returns the
> actual
> >pixel width, which is dependent on the user agent
> and
> >its settings.
> <div style='width: 20cm'>
>   <div style='width: 50%'>
>     ...
>   </div>
> </div>
> div_inner
>   ->getComputedStyle
>     ->getPropertyCSSValue('width')
>       ->getFloatValue(CSS_PX)
> will raise INVALID_ACCESS_ERR since 10cm couldn't be
> converted to pixels
> :-)
<div style='width:80%;'>


will return a value in pixels that is 80% of the width
of the viewport, right? So it does depend on the
rendering... What will it return without a view?

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Received on Monday, 30 April 2001 13:59:52 UTC