Re: Dynamic Doctype generation

>how come the created document cannot refer to a DTD with
>PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers ?

I'm not sure I'm following your question. Fields for those values were also
added in DOM Level 2; see the parameters to createDocumentType and the
readonly publicId/systemId attributes of the DocumentType object. The only
constraint is that -- at this time -- the DocumentType object must be
created first, then passed in to createDocument().

At least, that's true if you're using the standard DOM APIs. Some parsers
do bypass this, when building their own DOM implementations, and use custom
APIs for the purpose. There are a few other places where "magic"
information is currently needed, such as the default values for attributes.
DOM Level 3 expects to close (most of?) those holes.

>   I saw DOM3 enabled working within DTD, but we are more interested in
>specifying an external DTD and in designating it with public and system

The Level 3 content-model API should support this... though it may be hard
to tell since the chapter is still evolving and will need more descriptive
text. If there's a specific use case you think we might have missed, let us
know, but the simple external subset case you've just described is
_definitely_ already on our list.

Joe Kesselman  / IBM Research

Received on Tuesday, 10 April 2001 12:54:05 UTC